Career Coaching

Career Coaching and Professional Development

SERP – Springboard Employment Readiness Program
Our Springboard Employment Readiness Program is developed to provide high quality capacity development trainings with all aspect of unique and diverse opportunities for under-represented individuals and/or underserved communities, clearly establishing valuable connections and supports in which they may discover career potentials with considered equality, ability, and contributions.

BEEP – Bridging Employment and Entrepreneurship Pathways

This is a mandatory preliminary assessment for all candidates seeking employment training or placement through our organization, designed to deploy potential employees through the appropriate career channels. We would

  • Develop a visual-automated tool that helps participants assess their competence and employability.
  • Build a process that helps participants assess their viability and ability to function in that profession.
  • Bridge and help Black Immigrants (Newcomers) – Women and Girls, transition into the Canadian workforce smoothly.
  • Conduct market research – carry out market studies that allow us to know the new individual and industry demands firsthand.
  • Evaluate market viability to dig deeper into career prospects

Diverse Opportunities for Under-Represented Individuals

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by under-represented individuals, SERP is tailored to be inclusive and accommodating. We understand that diversity is not just a buzzword but a strength. Our program opens doors to a diverse array of opportunities, ensuring that everyone, regardless of background, has the chance to explore and excel in their chosen career paths.

Upon completion, potential employers would have access to a pool of highly skilled participants well equipped with social integral skills to thrive in a standard Canadian workplace regardless of their background.